Category Archives: Growing into Maturity

Speaking the Truth in Love ¦ Video

Could it be that the majority of people on planet earth are deceived about what love is and deceived about what brings true freedom?

I think so.

In this message I speak about:

  1. Making sure you know God’s definition of love.
  2. How the world rejects absolute truth at their peril.
  3. The need to be a good speaker of truth and also a good receiver of it!
  4. How to respond in the right way when we think God is bringing correction to us.
  5. The telling sign that you are a legitimate child of God.
  6. One of the most important but most uncomfortable ways we can love and serve one another.
  7. How to avoid hindering the process of growing into maturity in Christ – personally and as a Body.
  8. How to respond when someone tries to correct you and it isn’t from God!