Category Archives: The Holy Spirit

Being Led by the Holy Spirit ¦ Video

David Steele speaking at The Ark Church, Isleham about the adventure of bearing fruit for God’s Kingdom by being led by the Holy Spirit.

In this teaching David shares stories from his own personal life about how he was led by the Holy Spirit to do things that he would not have done if he was using his natural mind to make decisions. He speaks about the important of quieting one’s own soul, listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit and obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit. Prepare to be challenged and inspired!

Led by the Holy Spirit ¦ Video

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. – Romans 8:14

This teaching can take your christian life to the next level. Those who will change the world around them and have the biggest impact for God’s Kingdom are the ones who have learned to be LED by the Holy Spirit.

Key points:

1. It is TOTALLY NORMAL for believers in Jesus to listen to and follow the voice of the Holy Spirit
2. It isn’t enough to be FULL of the Holy Spirit, we should also seek to be LED by the Spirit and operate in the POWER of the Spirit.
3. The Holy Spirit does’t always speak in the way we expect him to speak!
4. The first disciples knew the voice of the Holy Spirit very well
5. The Holy Spirit will not contradict the written word of God
6. When you are seeking God’s will, get advice!
7. You know when you are being led by the Holy Spirit because your life starts to look like the book of Acts
8. Don’t expect God to give you a vision for your life that you can achieve in your natural ability
9. Fear will cause you to shrink back or run away but those who are led by the Holy Spirit step forward in faith.
10. When God is leading you, you see 4 things: An Amazing Adventure, Abundant Fruit, Miraculous Provision and Guaranteed Persecution!

Dunamis ¦ Devotional

Scripture: “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.” – 1 Corinthians 4:20

Over the last few months God has been stirring me up, regarding whether or not I’m really operating in His power on a daily basis. When you read the word ‘power’ in today’s scripture and in many other places in the New Testament, it’s a translation of the Greek word ‘dunamis’ which means ‘miraculous power’, ‘mighty work’, ‘ability’, or simply ‘power’.

Often when we think of ‘power’, we immediately think of the Holy Spirit. After all, He’s the one who’s been sent to empower us to live the Christian life, right? Recently I’ve been thinking about the ways Jesus stayed in step with the Holy Spirit.

It seems to me that His life demonstrates three ways that we need the Holy Spirit in our lives as Christians. Before His baptism, Jesus was ‘full of the Holy Spirit’ and the scriptures say he was ‘led by’ the Holy Spirit into the wilderness. After He overcame the temptations of the enemy, it says that He returned ‘in the power’ of the Holy Spirit.

Many Christians I know would say that they’ve had an experience of being ‘filled’ or ‘baptised’ with the Holy Spirit. So, my first question to you today is this: would the people in your life describe you as someone who is ‘full of the Holy Spirit’?

Secondly, who makes the decisions in your life? How can we expect God to give us His power if we’re not first submitted to His authority? Are you being led by the Holy Spirit today?

And finally, (perhaps by this point you’ve noticed that today’s devotional was not designed to make you feel comfortable!), are you operating in the power of the Holy Spirit?

Paul, the apostle, was a man who led many people to Christ and was used powerfully by God to teach and equip the Church. He said this ‘My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power’ (1 Cor 2:4).

I don’t know about you, but I want to grow in this power. I don’t just want to be able to talk eloquently about God. I want to operate in His power, so people might be healed and set free as they come into contact with me. His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

>> Watch the full video sermon ‘POWER’ now

Prayer: Father, thank You that You’re a powerful God. Thank you for sending Your Holy Spirit to fill us, lead us and empower us. I want to say sorry today for when I’ve settled for only being full of Your Spirit, or led by Your Spirit, and I’ve not sought to live in Your miraculous power. Thank You, Jesus, that You Yourself said that whoever believes in You will do the works You’ve been doing, and that they will do even greater things! I want to choose to believe this today, and I ask You to give me a new revelation of Your power. I also ask that You’d help me to overcome the fears that have held me back from stepping out in praying for the sick, or being used by You to bring freedom to others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Source:  Seeds of the Kingdom

Note from David: If you desire more of God’s power in your life but don’t know where to start, I would like to encourage you to watch my video sermon on ‘Power’ now. In it, I use everyday examples of how God has been stretching me and beckoning me to step out, overcome my fears and see people healed and set free on a daily basis as I allow myself to be led by His Spirit. If you would like to see more of the power of the Holy Spirit in your life, I recommend watching ‘How to Walk in the Power of the Holy Spirit’. If you’re looking for a simple pattern for how to live a miraculous life, you can read my devotional ‘The Pattern of a Miraculous Life’.

How To Walk In The Power Of The Holy Spirit ¦ Video

In this message I cover:

– Why we don’t need to fly half way across the world seeking an ‘anointing’
– How the true presence of God follows obedience
– What it really means to make Jesus Lord
– Where to focus your attention in order to see freedom and healing unfold in your life
– The characteristics of the Holy Spirit and why we so desperately need Him

This is session 3 of 3 from a conference at Ellel Ministries Pierrepont called ‘Jesus Heals Today’. The previous two sessions are:

Session 1: Why Is The World In Such A Mess?
Session 2: The Master Key To Healing, Freedom and Restoration

>> More info about David Steele

Understanding the Holy Spirit ¦ Audio

In the run up to Pentecost 2015 I was invited onto Premier Radio’s inspirational breakfast show to talk about the Holy Spirit.

Listen to the full interview here:

If God has used this teaching to impact you by His Spirit, don’t keep it to yourself. Share it!

You can also watch a short 4-minute video snippet in which Lisa Mainwaring and John Pantry ask me about the manifestations of the Holy Spirit:

Watch the 4-minute video snippet

Communion with the Holy Spirit ¦ Video

Many of us know about the Holy Spirit, but how well do we really know Him? He wants to walk with you, talk with you and have fellowship with you! As you watch, I hope the truth of this message will kindle a new desire in you to commune with Him.

If God has used this teaching to impact you by His Spirit, don’t keep it to yourself. Share it!