When I was 17 years old I had a powerful encounter with God that changed my life forever. I knew He was challenging me with this question: “David, will you lay down your life for me regardless of what anybody thinks of you?”. As my heart responded “Yes Lord, I will”, I fell to my knees and was powerfully filled with The Holy Spirit.
It was a very real experience and I could tangibly feel His presence as His Spirit filled me. I was changed from the inside out and have never been the same since. A strong passion rose up inside of me to know God more intimately, to study and obey His Word and to be a ‘lover of the truth’.
Not long after this encounter, I was sitting in my garden and I saw a vision of myself standing on a stage, teaching the Word of God. This was strange for me because the only thing I had failed miserably at in school was giving a presentation in front of my classmates. Standing in front of people and speaking was my biggest weakness! Here’s the lesson: Don’t ever limit the plan of God for your life to what you know you can do in your natural ability!
A few years later I found myself preaching the gospel every week to my fellow University students and I realised that my passion to see people encounter Jesus and have their lives transformed by Him was far greater than any desire for a career or the money it could bring.
After University I started serving in full time ministry and met a beautiful young lady from Germany called Hannah who had come to do a ministry school that we both attended. It took me just 30 minutes to fall in love with her and she is now my wife!
Before meeting me, Hannah always had a strong sense that she would marry a man who was in full time Christian ministry. God has done amazing things in both of our lives and we have no doubt that Jesus came to the earth not only to save sinners like us, but also to transform our lives and use them for His glory.

Hannah is a wonderful woman and a most excellent full-time mother to our four beautiful children, Rebekah, Ruth, Rachel and Benjamin.

Over the last 17 years I’ve had the tremendous privilege of working under and alongside some of the most amazing, servant-hearted leaders who have loved, nurtured, corrected and released me to grow into the servant of God that I am today. I am so thankful for every single one of them and I know that I could not be doing what I am doing now had it not been for their investment in me.
By God’s grace I am now privileged to be able to travel all over Europe and beyond to teach and speak at various events & churches as well as speaking on Christian radio from time to time. If you are interested in inviting me to speak at your church or event, please use the contact form and I will prayerfully consider your request.
Our Mission: In 2016 we took a step of faith as a family and moved to Hungary to follow God’s call to spread the gospel further afield. Read all about it and how you can help here.
Truth Planters: In 2019 we began to pioneer a new international mission organisation. Check out our vision and more at truthplanters.org