In July 2016 we moved to Hungary in order to fulfil God’s call to teach and minister all over mainland Europe.
If you’d like to know why we took this step and how you can support us, here’s the story of how God has been leading our family…
While we were still living in England, I was in prayer and I saw a vision of our family driving through mainland Europe. The car was moving through Germany and pointed towards Hungary. The vision came with a strong sense that we would be preaching the gospel and ministering to people all over mainland Europe. I saw this same vision 3 times in the space of about 6 months. After many confirmations from the Lord, it became apparent that God was calling us to go and that nobody was going to pay us a salary to do this work so it would have to be by faith!
As the person with responsibility to provide for my family, as you can imagine, I panicked a bit at first, wondering where on earth the money would come from to feed and clothe my family – we had two children at the time and my wife Hannah was pregnant! However, as we continued to pray about this, God gave us Psalm 27 and Psalm 37, affirming to us that He was (and still is!) our provider and that we can trust Him. So, we made the commitment to go. We left the UK on the 16th of April 2016, took a 3-month sabbatical (because we’d done about 7 years of ministry without a proper holiday) and arrived in Hungary on the 12th of July 2016. Our first priority was to find a school for our children and a house to rent (somewhere near Budapest).
Prior to our move, I went to minister in Serbia and Romania (as you may have seen in our newsletters) and it struck me how desperate the people seemed to be for love, encouragement, the streams of living water that the Holy Spirit brings and the life transforming truth of God’s Word.
After I’d spent a few months panicking about where the finances to support our family would come from, the Lord then showed me that since He was calling us to go, He had also called particular people to support us. Over the last few years, various people have heard about what we are doing and have said they would like to support us financially. We have now been living in Hungary for almost four years and have never lacked anything. We feel that this is a great confirmation that we are doing the right thing and we are very thankful to the friends, family and supporters who are giving generously to enable us to fulfil this vision. We are also thankful to God for giving us the courage to step out in faith, for encouraging us through hard times and for giving us so many opportunities to serve people all across Europe.
Since we moved to Hungary we’ve seen God do amazing things as we’ve ministered in Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Austria, England, Northern Ireland, Hungary, Croatia, Montenegro, Norway, Latvia, Switzerland, Ukraine and the USA.
Please do pray for us as we continue on this adventure! Our prayer is that many lives will be impacted as we travel and share the message of the gospel.
Thanks for reading our story! For ongoing news and photos of our adventures, you can sign up for our newsletter. If you are interested in supporting our family financially, please go to our support page.