Teaching in Hungarian

Here you can find teaching by David Steele with Hungarian translation.

More Hungarian content will be posted to the Igazság Plántálók Facebook Page. We also have a Hungarian Podcast (Igzaság Plántálók Podcast) on all major platforms and a Hungarian YouTube channel.

Many thanks to Marcell Kondor and Viki Panczel for translating!

Spiritual Food and Spiritual Drink (2022):

The Power of Words Video series (2022):

PAX TV Interview (2022):

Baptism in the Holy Spirit (2021):

Fulfill Your Calling Video series (2021):

Communion with the Holy Spirit. October 2020:

Truth & Power Night. September 2020:

Szombat 5 Camp. July 2020:

God’s Wisdom in Trials. May 2020:

Hot, Cold or Lukewarm? February 2020:

Forgiveness. November 2019:

Speaking the truth in love. April 2019:

Intimacy, Comfort & Power. February 2019: