Led by the Holy Spirit ¦ Video

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. – Romans 8:14

This teaching can take your christian life to the next level. Those who will change the world around them and have the biggest impact for God’s Kingdom are the ones who have learned to be LED by the Holy Spirit.

Key points:

1. It is TOTALLY NORMAL for believers in Jesus to listen to and follow the voice of the Holy Spirit
2. It isn’t enough to be FULL of the Holy Spirit, we should also seek to be LED by the Spirit and operate in the POWER of the Spirit.
3. The Holy Spirit does’t always speak in the way we expect him to speak!
4. The first disciples knew the voice of the Holy Spirit very well
5. The Holy Spirit will not contradict the written word of God
6. When you are seeking God’s will, get advice!
7. You know when you are being led by the Holy Spirit because your life starts to look like the book of Acts
8. Don’t expect God to give you a vision for your life that you can achieve in your natural ability
9. Fear will cause you to shrink back or run away but those who are led by the Holy Spirit step forward in faith.
10. When God is leading you, you see 4 things: An Amazing Adventure, Abundant Fruit, Miraculous Provision and Guaranteed Persecution!

