Worth Writing Down! ¦ Devotional

Scripture: Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” – Isaiah 30:21

God has a unique race marked out for each one of us and has promised to guide us each step of the way. He speaks to us in many different ways and if the God of the universe is willing to speak to us, then what He says is certainly worth writing down!

A wise man once encouraged me to keep a journal. I decided I would, but I wasn’t sure which details of my life were really worth writing down. He then proceeded to give me five questions that I should ask myself regularly. Why don’t you join me in asking these questions today?

1. When did God last speak to you?

2. What did He say?

3. How did He say it?

4. How do you know it was Him?

5. What did you do with it?

The answers to these five questions are not only worth writing down, but they’re worth revisiting again and again. As you look back over what God has said to you over the years, you can build a strong understanding of the calling and destiny He has for you personally.

Question 4 is vital. We must test everything we hear to check that it’s in line with God’s Word and His character. Doing this will prove to be a safeguard against false ‘prophetic’ words.

You may also find that this exercise is a powerful tool to keep you on track and in God’s perfect will. It’s so easy for us to commit ourselves to all sorts of things that seem like ‘good ideas’, before we’ve consulted God. If, like Jesus, we only do what the Father tells us to do (John 5:19) we can know we’ll bear much fruit in His Kingdom.

Prayer: Father, thank You that You promise to guide me each day into the plans You have for me. Please show me the things that I’m doing that You haven’t told me to do, and give me the grace to stop doing them. Help me to hear Your voice clearly and to be obedient, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Source:  Seeds of the Kingdom

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