The Normal Christian Life ¦ Video

Perhaps you, like me have read your Bible and noticed the tremendous gap between the lives of the New Testament believers and our lives?

Join me as we explore this gap and discover 10 key characteristics of those believers. Be encouraged as I seek to spur us all on (especially myself!) to aim to be more like them.

  1. Utterly focused on the Great Commisssion
  2. Wholly dependent on the Holy Spirit
  3. Demonstrated the power of the Holy Spirit
  4. Persecuted
  5. Challenged each other to live to a high standard
  6. Encouraged one another
  7. Looked after orphans and widows
  8. Kept themselves from being polluted by the world
  9. Ridiculously Generous
  10. Recognised by their love for each other

Lord, help us to be more like those believers!

